How Can a Small Business Mastermind Help You Grow Your Business?

Let’s set the scene. You are a solopreneur or micropreneur and you want to grow your business. Maybe you want more clients or higher profits. Maybe you want a steady, predictable income you can count on. Or, maybe you are launching a new product or service line and you are unsure how to do that. Or you are facing some other type of opportunity or […]

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Grants for Small Businesses

Grants for Small Businesses

Are you small business owner looking for a grant? Here are some tips to get you started.

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Explore Your Surroundings for Inspiration and a Fresh Perspective

Explore Your Surroundings for Inspiration and a Fresh Perspective

Many of us live in amazing places and don’t explore our surrounding environments. Why is this even important? Because looking around you, at your natural and manmade environments, can inspire you and give you a fresh perspective.  How? Helps You Realize You Are Not Alone I am in the DC Metro area. There are times I have felt alone as a solopreneur. One cure is […]

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The Virtual Cowork and ADHD Connection

The Virtual Cowork and ADHD Connection

Does cowork with body doubling help those with ADHD accomplish tasks? Anecdotal confirmations say yes.

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What Small Towns and Local Partners Teach Us About Small Business

What Small Towns and Local Partners Teach Us About Small Business

As a member of our local VFW (Veteran of Foreign Wars) Auxiliary, I have observed the partnership between our Post and Auxiliary and our village where we are located.  The village is small and the VFW has grown into the social center for the village and the surrounding area, with community breakfasts and suppers, Bingo, the winter fishing derby, the Easter egg hunt, Thanksgiving and […]

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Your Website Needs Marketing

Your Website Needs Marketing

Guest Post by Jill Kurtz, Owner, Kurtz Digital Strategy All your online efforts should drive people to your website. This doesn’t happen by happenstance. You need understand and learn various wordpress tips, find out about the best ways to generate traffic and then market your website to your target customer to get them hooked on to your content or service. You need to understand the […]

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Be a “Yes, and” Small Business Owner

Be a “Yes, and” Small Business Owner

Are You Stopped by “Yes, but” Thinking? When presented with the unknown, something that feels like a stretch, something you honestly don’t want to do or don’t know how to do – but you know you should do it – what is your first reaction?  Or, when presented by an exciting new idea you love and then uncertainty and fear set in, how do you […]

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Dr. Seuss: If You Never Did, You Should.

“If you never did, you should. These things are fun. And fun is good.” ~ Dr. Suess Grow by Trying New Things! In life and small business, make it a point to try new things. This is where growth happens!  And as Dr. Seuss says, “If you never did, you should!” You might not like all of them, but you might LOVE some of them. […]

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Moving Your Small Business Forward During a Pandemic

Moving Your Small Business Forward During a Pandemic

Success is Rarely Accidental Even during a pandemic, you and your small business can move forward and grow. How can you, as a small business owner, make that happen?  Get a positive mindset, understand that results require action, be persistent, and then take our #BeTheRiver Challenge. Together, they will help you grow your business! Remember, it’s your business, and it is frankly up to you. […]

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Your Friends Matter More Than You Know

Your Friends Matter More Than You Know

If a friend doubts how successful you will be with your business, and voices that doubt to you…repeatedly… it just may be time to give them the boot.  You do not need their negative energy as you are launching and building your business during “normal” times. You certainly do not need their negative energy in 2020. The Naysayers You know who I’m talking about, right?  […]

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