Small Business Blueprint Course: Build Your Success Plan in 30 Days!

Classes form on a rolling basis.

To inquire about this course and to see if you are a good fit, email us at See the “How Do I Register?” section below. Classes meet live over Zoom.

Who Is This Course For?

This Small Business Blueprint Course, Build Your Success Plan in 30 Days, is for:

     small business owners who already own a business, maybe for years, and want to go to the next level in an organized fashion, discovering just “what” that next level actually is, and

     newly minted small business owners who have a passion for what they do and don’t have a plan yet. 

We get it!  Dream big. Execute small. Be consistent. Wrap it all up in a plan. 

This is the “plan” part of it!  Let’s get this one done and have some fun along the way. 

What Is the Small Business
Blueprint Course?

Small Business Blueprint, Build Your Success Plan in 30 Days Course is a live, instructor-led, online, interactive course to create your business plan. When working with solo- and micro-preneurs, we always
consider both your personal life and your business life
…and we encourage you to, also.  In this course, we emphasize your business action plan, and we also have you consider your personal life goals and dreams at every step. We believe considering both parts, together, can lead to a more
fulfilling life. 

And we put the fun back into business planning – seriously!  When you have successfully finished our Small Business Blueprint Course: Build Your Plan for Success in 30 Days, you will have a business plan.  It might be on sticky notes, in a PowerPoint deck, within a map on the wall, or in a text document.  We don’t care what format you choose. We do care that you build your small business blueprint and create your steps for success, your way.

Let’s be honest…most business owners do NOT want to complete their business plan! Oh, they agree in theory that it is necessary, but that’s as far as they go.  This course helps change that conversation.

How? First, we want you to succeed. Know that. And we also know everyone learns differently.  So we have built this course to cover all areas of business planning through both active and passive learning, combining presentation, discussion, Q & A, cowork sessions, and additional asynchronous online resources.  We will have a special live Office Hour scheduled, the exact day/time TBD.

What Do We Cover?

In this five-session Small Business Blueprint Course, we cover:

Feasibility – we explore “will it work” for new businesses and growth directions/possibilities for existing businesses.

Strategy  – we give you the tools to figure out your “why” and craft your mission, vision and values
statements, and establish your goals and objectives. 

Key Success Factors – what sets you apart? How are you different? What factors can you leverage for your success?

Products, Services and Pricing – we help you become clear about what you are really selling and your price points.

Marketing and Sales – from digital to physical, from target market to tactics, from outreach to inbound, we help you explore what marketing mix will work best for you to establish or increase

Finances – from sales projections to budgeting to financial statements, we cover it all at a high level and talk about outsourcing.

Legal aspects – we give you a high-level overview of legal entity selection, intellectual property and other legal aspects; we are *not* attorneys!

Management and Operations – from human resources to logistics to product lines to outsourcing, we will help you understand how your decisions, knowledge and management skills impact your company.

  Mindset, Focus and Work-Life Balance are woven throughout all our work together. They pop up
everywhere, and at different places for different people. 

During the course, you will have access to additional online resources through MEG (My Entrepreneurial Group) Community Blueprint Course Resources, including video and content creation, social media platforms, online tools, and graphics. And that’s just the beginning. 

That is a lot to cover! Our classes are filled with learning and discussion, our resources are there for you, and you have weekly MEG Early Bird Cowork and Spot Coaching sessions where you can work to write the sections of your plan, ask questions and make sure you have the support you need to complete your blueprint. 

When Do We Meet?

Typically, we meet five Monday evenings, 5 PM to 6:30 PM ET.  If that differs, we will let you know when you inquire about our next class. 

What Else Is Included?

You will have two months additional access to MEG Community Blueprint Course Resources.

For a reduced price, you can add additional access to Early Bird Cowork and Spot Coaching meetings, held weekly on Tuesdays, 9 AM to 10:15 AM EDT, so you can continue to work on your Blueprint coursework with support.

We sometimes include an Early Registration option, which entitles you to one free half-hour of 1-1 Coaching to use during the course. Ask us for details.

How Do I Register? What Is My Next Step?

If we have already spoken and you have been accepted into the class, we’ll send you a payment link. After payment, we’ll set up your Membership in MEG Community before the course begins.

Otherwise, send an email to and put “Blueprint Course” in the subject line. No spam. We’ll schedule a 1-1 Zoom chat and see if you’re a good fit. Not everyone is, and that is okay. Being a good fit has a lot to do with mindset and dedicating time in your schedule to complete the course.

You see, we want something much more important than your fee.
We want your success.

What Is the Cost?

The cost is $250, and that is subject to change. 

Regular pricing gives you the opportunity to purchase one 30-minute coaching session at a special price. Ask us for details.

Email to be considered for this course or to be put on our waiting list.

What If I Want Some Additional 1-1 Coaching?

We know that one half-hour 1-1 coaching session may not be enough, that you may want a more robust customized experience as you create your small business blueprint. There is an option to add four half-hour 1-1, customized business coaching sessions for an additional $240. Again, ask us for details.

Let’s Stay In Touch

No matter your decision, we wish you all the best on your journey as a small business owner. Let us know how we can help. If you have questions about this course, your business, or if you would simply like to know us better, let’s schedule a 1-1 Zoom chat. Email us at, and put Zoom Chat in the subject line. We also invite you to sign up for our newsletter, which includes small business tips and resources. Let’s stay in touch.

NOTE: This course or similar preparation is a prerequisite to joining any of our Mastermind Groups. 

You may also receive business plan training through private 1-1 Small Business Blueprint Coaching sessions. Email to discuss.

Your Business. Our programs. Your success. Together, we’ve got this!

About Your Instructor

Robin Suomi, Founder of Startup to Growth and MEG Community 

Based in the DC Metro area, Startup to Growth takes solo- and micropreneurs from confusion, doubt and fear to confidence and success through education, training, and 1-1 customized small business planning coaching. Robin’s passion is helping small business owners move from concept through growth, whatever “growth” means to them, unleashing their vitality, innovation and creativity as they launch or grow their successful and sustainable companies according to their vision.

Robin has worked with thousands of small business owners in industries from A to Z (literally!), from launch to $5M in sales. Her passion is working with solo- and micropreneurs, from launch to mid six figures in sales. Robin is a former adjunct professor at a community college, teaching Business 101 and Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management. She ran an organization for over 9 years that focused on business planning, education and counseling. She has been a member of the Loudoun Chamber Board of Directors and the Loudoun Economic Development Commission.

Other services include MEG Startup Masterminds, MEG Growth Masterminds, 1-1 Small Business Blueprint Coaching, and 1-1 General Coaching

Learn more about how Startup to Growth can help you by taking a tour of our website.

Robin is also the founder of MEG (My Entrepreneurial Group) Community. MEG is all about education, inspiration, support, collaboration and ACTION! Members work together to master starting their first business OR growing their existing business, in their own way, on their own terms. Shhhh….they also have a ton of fun along the way! Check it out and join as a free Leaf Member.

Check out our testimonials.