Small Business Owners: No Zero Days Mindset!

The concept of No More Zero Days was first introduced by Reddit user ryan01.  What is a Zero Day?  A day where you have not come one iota closer to achieving a goal, not one smidgen. How do you gain a No  Zero Day mindset?  Let’s look at some examples.

Fitness: No Zero Days

In the fitness world, let’s say you looked in the mirror one day and said to yourself, “Those arms are not mine. Where did they come from?!!!”  You decide enough is enough, and tell yourself you will do some simple arm exercises for a month and get those arms back in shape.  By Day 10…zip. You haven’t done one single arm exercise.  You always mean to get out your dumbbells and do 12 reps of biceps curls and triceps kickbacks, but you always run out of time and then the day is done. 

You look in the mirror again on Day 11, same results.  Those are still not your arms.  You *know* that results require action, and you’re not acting.  You decide to put your dumbbells by your nightstand, just in case, because you still don’t have time just yet.  That night, close to midnight , you realize once again you have not done any arm exercises.  You grab that dumbbell and do one bicep curl, right arm.  Done. 

You just busted your string of Zero Days.  Congratulations! With that single curl, you feel on top of the world. You become motivated. Over the next week, you beef up your workout time to 5 minutes a day, change the time to before midnight, and add triceps kickbacks, overhead triceps extensions and lateral raises.  You’re on a roll and soon your mirror will once again become your friend.

Small Business: No More Zero Days

How can you use this concept to reach your small business goals?  Easy!

Start by asking yourself:  What is one small step I can take now so I can celebrate a No Zero Day? Consider your goal and one small action you can take.

  • Write a blog?  Just write one sentence
  • Stronger LinkedIn network?  Make one connection request
  • More outreach?  Make a couple of phone calls if you do not have a plan, see here the best postpaid sim only plans for business.
  • Better follow-up?  Begin by following up with one person.
  • Organize your desk?  Just organize one small area.
  • Longer project goal? Just take one step.

Any action toward your goal turns a Zero Day into a No Zero Day.  Your No Zero Days get you motivated.  Motivation gets you across the finish line. 


Remember those arm exercises? Well, as you can probably guess, I was talking about me.  I have added 5 minutes of floor exercises or leg lifts into my routine. The mirror and I are now on speaking terms, so we’re getting there. 

You can use this procrastination-buster technique in all areas of your life.  If you have questions, reach out to me at [email protected].  No more Zero Days!


Robin Suomi, MBA, is an experienced small business expert and founder of Startup to Growth. She has worked with thousands of small business owners through coaching, mastermind groups, education and training.  Robin believes success is rarely accidental and her passion is to help her clients set and reach their goals. Working with clients remotely through video platforms, she helps clients answer their technical business planning and execution questions as well as supporting them while they explore their potential. She encourages clients to dig deeper, dream bigger, and works with them to create their tangible Success Steps. Check out the website for ongoing virtual Small Business CoachingSmall Business Blueprint CoachingMEG (My Entrepreneurial Group) Connect andMEG Startup mastermind groups. Email [email protected] with your questions or to set up a free 1-1 consultation.