Be a “Yes, and” Small Business Owner

Are You Stopped by “Yes, but” Thinking?

When presented with the unknown, something that feels like a stretch, something you honestly don’t want to do or don’t know how to do – but you know you should do it – what is your first reaction?  Or, when presented by an exciting new idea you love and then uncertainty and fear set in, how do you react? Is your first reaction in these cases “Yes, but….” and then you go into a litany of excuses? What if you changed your immediate response to “Yes, and”?  

Move from “Yes, but” to “Yes, and” Thinking

Here are some examples that small business owners face often.

  • LinkedIn is a powerful platform, and has become a juggernaut in the pandemic. Make sure you utilize it as part of your marketing.  
    • Yes, but I don’t have time to post on one more social media platform.
    • Yes, and I am committing to posting three times a week. I can start with quick graphics and build from there. I want to leverage LinkedIn and strengthen my referral network.
  • Fresh, solid content is critical to SEO, as stated by Austin SEO which has become more competitive during the pandemic. Consistently produce content that strengthens your brand.
    • Yes, but I don’t know what to write about.
    • Yes, and I am committing to producing more content. I’ll brainstorm with my colleagues on content ideas.  And I will repurpose content I have used elsewhere, so I can handle the time commitment more easily.
  • Your business plan is your blueprint for success. It is a place to park all those ideas bouncing around in your head. It is your guide to solid business growth, complete with clear action steps. The work you put into creating it will pay off many times over. Write your business plan.
    • Yes, but I don’t know how to write a business plan and it is so confusing.
    • Yes, and I am going to work with a small business coach and get it done, once and for all, so I move forward with confidence. I will have a plan!!
  • Online networking is crucial today. We know in-person networking will happen again; we don’t’ know when.  Engage in online networking. What is business networking? Business networking is the process of establishing a mutually beneficial relationship with other business people and potential clients or customers.
    • Yes, but I don’t like Zoom. I am tired of it.
    • Yes, and I am finding new groups to join, exploring new ways to make it more comfortable for me. I am committed to expanding my network, no matter what.
  • Mastermind groups, based upon Napoleon Hill’s “many minds are better than one” concept, support you though small business change and growth. They can even help you start your new busines. Your group members are your ad hoc advisory board. The group is your safe place to brainstorm new ideas and ask others to poke holes in what you have created so far. They let you know you are not alone. Join a mastermind group.
    • Yes, but I don’t have the time or money to join one. It’s not a good time for me now.
    • Yes, and I am going to investigate mastermind groups today. I have so many ideas bouncing around in my brain, and I am tired of trying to figure it all out by myself. I like the idea of working with other small business owners who are also facing challenges just like me, and learning different industry and geographical perspectives. I will find one that is competitively priced.    

Increase Your Power When You Move to “Yes, and” Thinking

Do you see the power you have claimed with that one little word?  In each case, the business owner agreed to take the next small step toward success and growth.  Is it time to change move your thinking from “Yes, but” to “Yes, and”?  Yes, and you will be glad you did!

At Startup to Growth, we excel in helping you explore your small business world through Business Blueprint Coaching,  1-1 coachingMEG Connect Growth MastermindsMEG Startup Masterminds, and other programs. We also offer a free consult. Just email [email protected] and let’s schedule a chat to see how we can help. 

NOTE: The “and” picture used for this blog appeared in Strathmore Learn to Draw hand lettering basics book by Maureen Wilson. If you are interested in calligraphy, you owe it to yourself to check it out!


Robin Suomi, MBA, is an experienced small business expert and founder of Startup to Growth. She has worked with thousands of small business owners through coaching, mastermind groups, education and training.  Robin believes success is rarely accidental and her passion is to help her clients set and reach their goals. Working with clients remotely through video platforms, she helps clients answer their technical business planning and execution questions as well as supporting them while they explore their potential. She encourages clients to dig deeper, dream bigger, and works with them to create their tangible Success Steps. Check out the website for ongoing virtual Small Business CoachingSmall Business Blueprint CoachingMEG (My Entrepreneurial Group) Connect and MEG Startup mastermind groups. Email [email protected] with your questions or to set up a free 1-1 consultation.