Forming Successful New Habits

Forming Successful New Habits

I am constantly amazed at the wisdom of those who walked the earth before us. I go back to their bodies of work often, Aristotle and Plato being favorites. So, Do Habits Matter?  “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” Aristotle (384 – 322 BCE) In the words of Aristotle, I’d say yes. Habits are tied to […]

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Goals With Deadlines Are Steppingstones to Your Dreams

Goals With Deadlines Are Steppingstones to Your Dreams

In this three-part series about goals, we start by defining what they are and why they are important. Next, I’ll teach you how to set great goals that are inspiring and meaningful to you. We’ll end the series by exploring how you can achieve your goals so they become your steppingstones to your dreams. We begin with the end in mind….achieving your dreams. Dreams Matter […]

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